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Understanding banking involves knowing the differences between different types of banks. . One significant comparison lies between Retail Banking and Corporate Banking.  …

If you’re considering a career in banking, you may have come across the term “retail banking.” So, what does it entail? Retail …

If you love finding rare music or helping chefs with excellent kitchen tools, you will need more than your passion to bring …

Email marketing holds significant potential for effectiveness and value when compared to other promotional methods. But more than sending a monthly newsletter …

Businesses use balance sheets to understand how money comes in and goes out. This shows a complete picture of a company’s current …

Every year, bank exams organized by different dependent and independent agencies are set to take place. As the scheduled dates approach, candidates …

SAP applications are the backbone of every business, so CIOs and owners work hard to ensure that the implementation of SAP goes …

Managerial accounting is also known as management accounting which helps in the process of creating documents, statements and reports. This managerial accounting …

The impact of fintech on banking industry is a big deal in the digital world and among banks and financial institutions. Banking …

SAP Customer Master Data is a comprehensive repository encompassing vital information about customers within the system. This centralised hub includes crucial details …