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Tips to Crack IBPS RRB PO in Just Three Months

Tips to crack IBPS RRB PO exam in just three months

When you first try, have you ever considered passing the IBPS RRB PO or IBPS RRB Officers Scale-I Exam? Why not give it a shot? Many people dream of becoming bankers, so why not you? The RRB PO Exam has three parts: Preliminary, Main, and Interview rounds.

If you want to succeed in the next IBPS RRB PO Prelims Exam with a score of 60 or higher, there are a few things you’ll need to do. First, ensure you finish all your studies on time and do a good amount of review. But on top of that, it’s also important to do practice tests and mock exams to make a good study plan. Because there are few spots available, the competition for the exam is tough.

IBPS stands for Institute of Banking Personnel Selection. To do well in the exam, you need an excellent study plan. It would help if you focused more on reviewing your lessons, trying out practice tests, analyzing your performance, learning shortcuts, getting faster and more accurate, and practising questions from past years and sample papers. To prepare for the exam in three months, start setting your goals well before the exam day. Here are some tips to help you prepare for the IBPS RRB within three months.

Tips to Crack the IBPS RRB PO Exam

tips to crack ibps rrb po exam

Organize and Set Goals 

To prepare for the IBPS RRB PO exam, the candidate must divide and break down the bank PO syllabus into manageable parts. Based on Prelims and Mains Exams, this division helps the candidate focus on the specific goal for that particular day’s preparation.

Candidates should review the IBPS RRB PO Prelims Exam Analysis to understand the question pattern clearly. Thoroughly preparing the topics outlined in the IBPS RRB PO Mains Exam Analysis simplifies the overall preparation process. Once the targeted preparation is completed as planned, achieving a good score in the exam becomes more attainable.

Identify Weak Areas and Adapt 

Candidates need to familiarise themselves with the complete bank IBPS RRB PO syllabus and then identify the areas or subjects where they feel less confident. Only by recognising these weak points can candidates work towards improvement. This assessment should involve prioritising and selecting a topic from each section mentioned in the IBPS RRB PO Exam Pattern and completing it on the same day.

Embrace Effective Shortcuts & Techniques 

To boost IBPS RRB PO proficiency, candidates must have a solid grasp of each concept. Choosing concise and efficient tricks is beneficial when opting for strategies in the IBPS RRB PO. Shortcuts can significantly expedite solving numerous questions within a limited time frame, particularly in the objective section. Thoroughly examine the IBPS RRB PO Syllabus to understand it intricately, aiding in devising a well-structured study plan that can be effectively executed.

Implement the IBPS Pomodoro Technique

Elevating focus during IBPS RRB PO preparation can be achieved through the IBPS Pomodoro Technique. This involves breaking down study materials or syllabi into 30-minute intervals, wherein 25 minutes are dedicated to focused studying or preparation, while the remaining 5 minutes are allocated for rest. We recommend engaging in at least 4 Pomodoros daily, followed by a 15-minute break. This cycle can be repeated, especially when IBPS PO exams are just two weeks away.

Improve Speed & Precision 

Success in the IBPS RRB PO 2023 exam largely hinges on tackling around 200 questions within 2 hours with speed and accuracy. To excel, candidates must prioritise refining their pace and precision, and a helpful approach is to engage in free online quizzes regularly.

Access Comprehensive Section-wise Syllabus 

English Language & General Knowledge segments are highly rewarding and demand comparatively less time than other exam parts. Candidates should know their significance for the IBPS RRB PO exam, as solid proficiency in these sections can confer a distinct advantage.

Balanced Practice without Overwhelm 

Ample practice throughout IBPS RRB PO exam preparation is essential to comprehensively cover the bank PO syllabus and excel in the objective section. While candidates dedicate significant time to mock tests and continuous revisions, specific topics in study materials might still need to be explored.

Preparation Tips to Crack IBPS RRB PO Exam

Embarking on a study plan can sometimes feel challenging, and you might encounter difficulties or notice specific topics that need to be added to your regimen. It’s important not to fret over your preparation. Here’s a guide on how to approach and adhere to your study plan:

  1. Allocate 7-9 hours daily for reading and concept comprehension chapters over four weeks. Tailor this duration based on your educational background and personal capabilities.
  2. As the exam draws nearer, amplify your study duration to 10-12 hours daily for the remaining days. This intensification will ensure comprehensive coverage.
  3. Utilise weekends for revision. Review the material you’ve covered throughout the week, reinforcing your understanding.
  4. Set aside time for Mock tests on weekends, and consider incorporating them on alternate days when you’ve completed approximately half of the syllabus. This strategic approach bolsters your revision and enhances recall for your studied areas.
  5. Engage with previous years’ papers to gain insights into the frequency of specific question types. This independent analysis aids in identifying common and rare question patterns.
  6. Dedicate daily time to specific topics like current affairs, vocabulary, antonyms, and synonyms, albeit more casually.
  7. Allocate around 40-45 minutes daily to Current Affairs. Create concise notes on recent updates encompassing economic conditions, governmental policies, constitutional changes, and banking regulations.
  8. Devote at least 15 minutes daily to enhancing your vocabulary. Recognise that mastering language requires consistent effort, particularly if you’ve been educated in a non-English medium.
  9. Keep up with Current Affairs by referring to reputable sources like The Hindu, The Indian Express, The Economic Times, or The Times of India. Choose sources that resonate with your preferences.
  10. Adjust your study time if necessary, ensuring you meet your daily objectives. Accomplishing your daily goals fosters enthusiasm and sustains your preparation momentum.
  11. Prioritise your well-being by maintaining 6-7 hours of sleep and integrating physical activity into your routine. A healthy body supports a focused mind.
  12. Remember not to impose excessive pressure on yourself. Embrace a balanced approach, acknowledging that progress is gradual and steady.

By following these guidelines, you can navigate your study plan effectively, enhance your preparation, and confidently approach the exam.

Are you ready to excel in bank exams? If so, consider enrolling in Finprov’s Bank Exam Coaching program for thorough and adequate preparation. Our program covers quantitative aptitude, reasoning, English, general awareness, and banking subjects. You can design your learning experience by choosing between classroom or online coaching, which includes access to comprehensive study materials, specialized test series, and interactive doubt-clearing sessions. Our personalized curriculum and frequent assessments will help you succeed in diverse bank exams, paving the path for a successful career in the banking sector. Start your preparation path with Finprov today!


Can I crack the IBPS RRB PO exam within three months of preparation?

Yes, with focused and strategic preparation, it’s possible to crack the IBPS RRB PO exam within three months.

What are the key areas I should focus on during these three months?

Prioritise quantitative aptitude, reasoning, English language, general awareness, and banking subjects as per the exam syllabus.

How can I manage my time effectively for preparation within this short span?

Create a daily study schedule, allocating time for each subject and regular revision. Utilise techniques like the Pomodoro technique for efficient time management.

Are there any shortcuts or tricks to solve questions quickly?

Practice using shortcuts and tricks for quantitative aptitude and reasoning questions to improve speed and accuracy.

What should be my approach to mock tests and practice papers?

Take regular mock tests to assess your progress and identify weak areas. Analyse your performance and focus on improving those areas.

Is it essential to join a coaching program for success in such a short time?

While coaching can provide structured guidance, self-study supplemented with online resources and study materials can lead to success.

How can I stay motivated and focused throughout this intense preparation period?

Set achievable daily goals, reward yourself for milestones, and remind yourself of the end goal to stay motivated.

Should I focus more on theory or practice during these three months?

Strike a balance between theory and practice. Understand concepts thoroughly and then practise various questions to apply your knowledge.

How can I improve my vocabulary and current affairs knowledge within a short time?

Dedicate specific time daily for vocabulary-building and current affairs updates. Use flashcards, news apps, and online resources for quick learning.

What role does revision play in this short-term preparation strategy?

Regular revision is crucial to reinforce your understanding and retain information. Allocate time for weekly and monthly revisions.

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